Bad Habits Cause Cancer

Cancer is well known as one of the deadliest diseases. But that doesn't mean we can just give up and do nothing. Various ways in carrying out a healthy lifestyle can be done to prevent cancer.

Here is a healthy lifestyle that you can run to reduce the risk of getting cancer:

  1. Diet: Avoid foods that contain lots of chemicals such as coloring, flavoring, and artificial preservatives. These chemicals are common in packaged and canned food products. As for the preservatives used in drinks and powder drink sachets.
  2. Obesity: Being overweight or what is commonly called obesity can trigger cancer because of excess energy which causes an increase in insulin in the body. This condition is called hyperinsulinemia and can cause breast cancer in women.
  3. Alcoholic beverages: Alcohol acts as a free radical that damages DNA, protein and fat in the body through a chemical reaction known as oxidation. Alcohol also interferes with the body's ability to process various nutrients (such as vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin carotenoids) which function to prevent cancer.
  4. Smoking: According to research in England, some 15.6% of women suffer from cervical cancer due to smoking. A woman who is a passive smoker has a two times higher risk of developing cervical cancer. This is because the harmful chemicals in cigarettes enter the blood and are circulated throughout the body. Not only cervical cancer, smoking can also cause cancer of the larynx (voice box), esophagus (gullet), mouth and pharynx (throat), lungs, bladder, pancreas, kidney, liver, stomach and intestines.
  5. Lack of activity: Too often silent without doing any activity can trigger cancer. This is because the movement of muscles that distribute spleen fluid throughout the body's tissues will most likely be hampered. This becomes dangerous because the immune system will be reduced and cancer cells will be more free to develop.

*summarized from various sources*