This is the Cause of Stroke and How to Prevent it

What are Strokes?

That is a disorder of the blood vessels of the brain, which can be blocked or ruptured, which can cause brain tissue damage (infarction / tissue death) or bleeding in the brain

So there are 2 main types of stroke, namely:

  1. Blockage stroke (non-hemorrhagic stroke): because the blood vessels to the brain are blocked or narrowed, blood flow to the brain is disrupted/reduced, which results in brain tissue not receiving enough nutrition and oxygen, resulting in tissue damage or death
  2. Hemorrhagic Stroke: because a blood vessel in the brain bursts, blood pools or clots in the brain


Because the brain has the function of regulating all body functions, damage to brain tissue will result in symptoms of disruption of body functions, including:

  • impaired motor function (paralysis of part of the body),
  • sensory dysfunction (taste, five senses),
  • paralysis of the cranial nerves (mouth slanted, speech slurred / cedal),
  • memory / memory disorders, understanding disorders,
  • headache ,
  • which is more severe, there may be a decrease in consciousness, even to a coma, until death can occur.

The main causes of Stroke are: Hypertension (high blood pressure) and Sclerosis (thickening and stiffness of the walls of the blood vessels of the brain)

Risk factors for stroke include:

A. Which can be controlled

  1. Diabetes (diabetes)
  2. Excess levels of fat / cholesterol in the blood
  3. Heart diseases
  4. Blood diseases
  5. Vascular disorders
  6. Deficiency of vitamins B and C
  7. Obese, smokers, alcoholics
  8. Have had a stroke (repeat)
  9. mental tension/stress
  10. etc

B. Uncontrollable

  1. Age factor
  2. Gender
  3. Certain races
  4. Offspring / hereditary

Which ultimately will lead to the occurrence of hypertension and sclerosis of blood vessels

How to prevent a stroke?

The main thing is to eliminate or reduce these risk factors, including:

  • Limit foods that contain sugar, fat, multiply vegetables and fruits (in a broader sense, nutrition must be balanced between carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, fluids).
  • Consultation with a nutritionist is highly recommended.
  • Exercise regularly (necessary for heart health)
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol
  • Try not to stress in life

Apart from that it is also necessary

  • Be aware of the emergence of complaints such as a feeling of tingling in parts of the body, sudden blurred vision or reduced hearing, somewhat disturbed speech, weakness of some limbs, etc.
  • Frequent routine health checks (check-ups), especially laboratory tests for blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

How to treat stroke?

  1. If you suspect the appearance of these symptoms / complaints, immediately take them to a hospital with quite complete facilities (laboratory, X-ray equipment, CT scan, ICU room, there are doctors, at least specialists in neurology, heart disease, internal medicine, neurosurgery, rehabilitation, etc.).
  2. There will be emergency treatment in the emergency room (physical examination, lab, chest X-ray, brain CT scan, EKG, infusion, medicines to be given immediately, etc.). Give clear information to the doctor who examines the history of the disease. Don't hide information about the patient's health.
  3. According to the patient's condition, the treatment room will be determined whether it is sufficient in the usual ward, HCU / ICU, isolation room, or maybe even considered enough for outpatient treatment.
    If you have to be treated in the ICU, where you sometimes need a breathing apparatus (ventilator), or you need surgery to perforate the airway (tracheostomy), the family should immediately agree.
  4. Especially if there is a large enough brain hemorrhage (bleeding type stroke), open head surgery (craniotomy) by a neurosurgeon may need to be done.
  5. The drugs used depend on the abnormalities found on examination.
  6. Actions that are no less important are medical rehabilitation, either passively or actively (usually after all emergencies have passed), it can be in the form of physiotherapy, speech therapy. occupational therapy etc.
  7. Next are secondary prevention measures, namely preventing the recurrence of strokes (such as the precautions mentioned above), as well as by taking the necessary medications.
  8. A very influential factor in the successful improvement of the condition of stroke patients is good cooperation between doctors, patients, patient families and therapists.

Article written by dr. A. Chalim Muntasir, Sp.S (Neurologist at EMC Tangerang Hospital).