This is one of the causes behind the weak and pale condition of the body

A body condition that is weaker than usual can certainly interfere with your quality of life. If you experience it often, you can do a blood check because this condition could be caused by health problems in red blood cells. Red blood cells themselves have many roles in the body, from transporting nutrients, oxygen, hormones, to other important compounds to the parts of the body that need them.

However, if the blood flow does not run smoothly, of course the body will feel some of the effects. At its simplest, you can feel uninspired, even to the point of losing your passion for activities. This condition also affects appearance or physique, such as a body that looks limp coupled with a pale face. If you have ever experienced this condition, you could be short of blood or anemia.

Then, what can cause anemia? Anemia is most often caused by a lack of intake of green vegetables, meat or liver. Apart from weakness and paleness, there are other symptoms that usually appear, namely the presence of bruises or a bluish tint to the skin.

This blue bruised skin condition can occur alone or be caused by a light impact on the body. Apart from bruising on the skin, maybe you have also experienced bleeding gums for no reason. What are the causes of all these symptoms?

These symptoms appear due to low platelets. Another common cause is an autoimmune condition which often has no known root cause. In addition, these symptoms can also be caused by blood disorders due to infertile bone marrow. Another more serious cause is blood cancer or leukemia.

If you often experience bleeding gums, it's better not to take it lightly. This condition must immediately find the root cause. Immediately do a blood check to find out which red blood cells and white blood cells are produced in your body's bone marrow.

To find out if there are blood disorders such as apalstic anemia, blood cancer and other blood disorders, you need to do a bone marrow examination to find out the cause of the disease. Examination of the bone marrow is done by injection into the bone. Before the injection is carried out, a local anesthetic will be given first so that you don't feel pain.

The place where the bone is injected is usually the sternum or hip bone. However, for injections in the bone, the doctor will usually ask to do a bone marrow examination first or it is called BMP ( bone marrow puncture) . The purpose of this BMP is to find out whether there are blood disorders in the patient's body or not.

Handling Procedure

To check for health problems related to blood, you will usually be referred for a hematological examination by carrying out a physical examination, laboratory tests, as well as determining a diagnosis.

One of the most common tests is the complete blood count test (CBC ) which is performed to analyze the three main components of blood, namely white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. This test can also be done by doctors to diagnose anemia, inflammation, infection, or even detect cancer.

Some people have experienced the appearance of lumps in their body parts. Some find it annoying, some don't. To find out the cause, it is necessary to examine the lump by taking some of the tumor tissue, usually by performing a small operation known as a biopsy.

The extracted tissue is sent to a tissue or anatomical pathology (PA) laboratory to determine the type of disease. To find out tumors in the body, such as those in the chest, stomach, nasal cavity, throat, and head, a CT scan of these organs is carried out.

If the diagnosis is a tumor, it is necessary to determine whether the tumor is benign or malignant (cancer). For benign tumors, treatment is usually by surgical removal or removal of the benign tumor. What about malignant tumors or cancer? Usually after surgery radiation, chemotherapy, or depending on the stage and condition of the malignant tumor. Please note, chemotherapy is a drug to kill cancer cells which can be in the form of tablets or infusions.

All forms of examination, diagnosis and treatment can be carried out at EMC Tangerang Hospital. You can consult a specialist in internal medicine, a medical hematology-oncology consultant, dr. Martin Batubara, Sp. PD-KHOM , who practices at the Tangerang EMC Hospital on Mondays and Thursdays at 10.00-15.00 WIB. If you or someone close to you experiences the symptoms mentioned above, don't wait too long to get checked out so that they can be treated immediately with the right actions. #LiveExcellently